DrakeBall + Fusion Heroes are piece of Sh*t

🤖We will shortly improve the RobotWars game system’s character combination and release item equipment functionality to maximize the player’s profit while lowering the gas cost each hit.
🤖RobotWars surpasses Drakeball when combined with 💹 Marketplace . A player can buy a character or optional item from another player for a reasonable fee, and vice versa.
🤖In addition, RobotWars will enhance the Boss fight feature in the near future, that allowing players to earn amazing rewards. The greater the character’s strength, the more likely they are to hit “ JACKPOT”

👍Your RobotWars experience will be pleasant & fun to play,
⛔️As opposed to the chaos that Fusion Heroes or Drake Ball deliver👎
✅It is not an empty promise that we are devoted to providing benefits to users
🚀Please visit the WARFARE here: https://play.robotwars.io/
🌐Website: https://robotwars.io/